Much of what there is to be learned about managing your finances properly comes when we tame our emotions and focus on the psychological aspects of financial decisions. A mistake that many people make when they get paid is that they have much of their cash on the way out as soon as it comes in. This typically happens when an individual has credit card bills and other debts to pay. The easiest way to avoid this type of occurrence is to make sure you only charge to your credit card(s) that which you know you can easily pay back when you have income come in. Secondly, even if you find yourself stuck with some bills, be sure to keep contributing to your 401(k) for the tax and compounding benefits and save a set percentage of every paycheck for an emergency fund. Ultimately, the 401(k) and emergency fund contributions are two cash "outflows" that shouldn't make you feel bad because by making them, you're only helping yourself.
By not "segmenting" (outside of the 401(k) and emergency fund contributions) your money before your actual paycheck is deposited, you will immediately begin to see substantial savings. After all, it's much harder to spend money when you can actually see your account balances declining with each purchase, rather than simply thinking about it and accounting for it later at which point you'll likely realize that most of your paycheck is gone before it's even arrived!
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